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Photography isn't just based around making a subject look good. My philosophy

centers around the idea that showing a subject at its best - the ideal version of it - gives it a standard to live up to. I want to present things as they are, in its most essential state and environment, to bring out the best version of it. So the overall result can be used as something to aspire to and puts them in their best light for others to see. Confidence is key. 


The Process

With a background in photography and brand design, I can conceptualize a client’s project from both sides, and deliver photos for use in any format. My unique combination of skills, deep knowledge and passion for the visual aesthetics, coupled with my focus on understanding client needs and providing exceptional service, allow me to deliver strong value from start to finish.

Step 1: Contact

Start a conversation to discuss your needs and whether we’re right for you.

Step 2: Prepare

I do my research into your specific needs and come up with a plan for what features I want to highlight. 

Step 3: Shoot

We select a time and place that is best for the objective you seek. I then come with all my needed equipment and capture everything needed to showcase you!

I select all the top images and edit in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to feature you at your best.

I deliver the images to you in the format you prefer to receive it.

Step 4: Edit

Step 5: Deliver


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Website design and content © 2020 Baldwin Diep

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